Let's Talk About Sleep, Baby


Let's Talk About Sleep, Baby


You can purchase this book, written by Dr. Alanna Golden and myself here. Please note this cannot be purchased through my website, do not use the link below to purchase!


It is so true what they say—babies don’t come with a manual. Nothing can adequately prepare new parents and caregivers for caring for a baby in the first 18 months of life. Babies don’t come into the world knowing how to sleep independently; so, as caregivers, we are tasked with the job of teaching our babies to sleep independently. Even when we do teach our babies to sleep independently, inevitably, there will be regressions and it sometimes feels like we are constantly back to square one.

To make this transition more manageable and help caregivers develop a healthier understanding of infant sleep, we have created a comprehensive question and answer guide to sleep in the first 18 months of life. We have tried to cover all the relevant topics so that when you ask yourself a question about your baby’s sleep, you can refer to this book to help you find the answer. It is likely that you will come up against the same challenges many times in the first 18 months and we hope that you can refer to this guide as you learn to navigate infant sleep practices.

Some of the topics it covers include:⁣⁣ ⁣⁣

📖 Surviving the newborn period⁣⁣

📖Thriving with twins⁣⁣

📖Sleep environment⁣⁣

📖Pre-sleep routines⁣⁣

📖Early wake-ups⁣⁣

📖Naps and nap transitions⁣⁣

📖Sleep training⁣⁣


📖Teething, illness, and sleep regressions⁣⁣

📖Travel, time changes, daycare⁣⁣

📖TONS of sample sleep schedules and helpful charts⁣⁣

It's really got it all! If you ever wished you had access to my blog all in one place - this is it!⁣⁣

Purchase with link above, not this link!